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When God Does the Unexpected

Have you ever prayed for something or expected God to do something only for things to work out differently than you had hoped? Maybe God answered your prayer with a “no” when you were sure He’d say “yes.” Perhaps something unexpected happened at school or in a relationship that made you wonder why God would allow such a thing.

            Many times, we get so wrapped up in our expectations. We expect God to do fill in the blank because we prayed and believed for it. We expect God to give us fill in the blank because we obey Him.

            I want to clarify that it is a good thing to expect God to do things in our lives; that is faith. And Jesus said that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

            But what about the times when God does what we don’t expect? When He answers our prayers differently than we thought He would. When He allows something in our lives we thought He would never allow.

             When our expectations are not aligned with God’s will.

An Example From Mark 6


            In Mark 6:1-6, we see that Jesus is preaching in His hometown of Nazareth. Because they knew Him as Mary and Joseph’s son, an ordinary carpenter, the people there were “astonished” at His teachings. They didn’t believe that He truly was the long-awaited Messiah.

            Verse three says something in the New King James Version that is very saddening, but also very familiar in today’s society: “So they were offended at Him.”

            Six simple words were enough to explain why Jesus did not do many miracles in His hometown. Their hearts were hardened.

            The people of Nazareth (and even Israel) expected the Messiah to be a mighty warrior and a leader of a great army. They expected Him to come in magnificent splendor and overthrow the oppressive Romans that ruled Israel in that day. They didn’t expect a humble carpenter’s son from the spurned town of Nazareth (of all places!).

            When the Messiah did come in humility, peace, and respectful submission to the very ones He was “supposed” to overthrow, many of the Jewish people were upset. This Messiah shattered all their expectations, hopes, and visions. He preached a message that was not only unexpected, but also contrary to what they prayed for.

            They became offended that they had interpreted the prophecies incorrectly. Because they were offended, their hearts became hardened. Because their hearts were hardened, they did not believe. And because they did not believe, Jesus “did not do many miracles there” (in Nazareth).


Friends, let us not get so wrapped up in our own expectations and desires that we cannot accept the will of God. Let us not allow our hopes and dreams of what we want God to say, be, or do blind us to His will.

            No matter what happens, God will work everything together for our good (Romans 8:28). Though His ways are different than ours (see Isaiah 55:9), His plan is ultimately to prosper us and to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Let’s submit all our plans, our expectations, and our will to Him and pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

            Let’s do it together.



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B Tracey
B Tracey
Sep 04

Sometimes it's difficult to trace what God is doing in our lives. Nevertheless we still need to always trust him. Thanks Olivia for reminding me of this!

Olivia T
Olivia T
Sep 05
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You're welcome! :)

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