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Look For the Good (Part Two)

Updated: 1 day ago

Last week, I shared two ways to benefit from trials and difficult seasons in life. (If you haven't seen that article, you can check it out here.) This week I want to share two more ways life’s difficulties can be used for your good and God’s glory.

1.  Become Who God Made You To Be

One thing Christians often say to unbelievers when witnessing to them is “come as you are.” While it’s true that God accepts us just the way we are, He doesn’t leave us that way. He knows the wonderful creation He intended you to be before sin entered the world.

We may come to God with our brokenness, but He will instead make us whole. We don’t stay bitter, selfish, or confused when we come to God. He helps us become forgiving and full of love, while revealing to us the truth so we are no longer deceived.

God loves us too much to leave us the way we are. He desires to continually make us stronger, more loving, and, ultimately, more like Him. He will use life’s trials and tribulations to do just that.

My favourite evangelist once said, “God has to do something to you before He can do anything through you.” We may want God to use us to further His kingdom and win souls for Him, but what kind of testimony would we have if we were still bitter, depressed, shallow, and deceived?

Every difficulty is an opportunity for you to become more like Christ in the way you live, think, talk, and act. Instead of complaining about your less-than-ideal circumstances, you can believe that God is working all things together for your good (see Romans 8:28).

Rather than letting every little thing bother you and get you upset, you can have the joy and peace of God He so wants to give you. Instead of falling into habitual sin, you can walk in the victory Jesus died to give you (see Romans 8:37).

Rather than being insecure and unsure of who you are, you can know for certain that you are a loved child of the Most High God Who has cleansed you of all sin (see 1 John 1:9; Jeremiah 31:3).

The choice of how you act, talk, and think is yours. But God will bless those who will choose to walk in His ways – His ways of peace, joy, salvation, victory, forgiveness, and love – even through the hard times.

God can use difficulties and trials to help you grow in Christ as you make the decision to follow His ways above your own.

If you will let Him.

2.  Glorify God

Glorifying God is what we were created to do. Even when it’s hard or when life makes no sense, God can be glorified through any circumstance. In the middle of trials, persecution, and tribulation, are we giving God the glory of which He is so worthy?

When we go through hardships with a good attitude, others notice, and you can point them to the Reason you can have such a good attitude.

Choosing to be grateful for what you do have instead of what you lack fulfills the Bible’s command to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4).

Additionally, your setback or difficult season could be God’s setting you up for your breakthrough, victory, or opportunity.

The Israelites were enslaved for hundreds of years before God brought them to the Promised Land. Every person Jesus healed had to suffer before being miraculously healed. Hannah was barren for many years before God gave her a son. Lazarus was dead for four days before Jesus raised him from the dead. David was on the run from King Saul before he became one of the greatest kings Israel ever had.

No matter what you walk through, God is still bigger than your problems, situations, and storms. He is still in control.

But sometimes, you have to go through the tough times before you get your miracle, healing, breakthrough, or answered prayer. However, God will be magnified and glorified because He was the only reason you were able to stick it out. Your praise will lift Him high and point others to Him.

We can glorify Him when we come out the other side of the hardship.

Will you give the glory to your Father in heaven?

Final Thoughts

Friend, God loves you so much. He is a good God. He wouldn’t let those storms or hardships in your life happen unless it was a part of His perfect will, or unless He could work it together for your good. We can trust that He knows and wants what is best for us. Becoming who God made you to be and glorifying the worthy Lamb of God are just two ways you can benefit from life’s trials.

Let’s do it together.


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B Tracey
B Tracey
Aug 20

I'm encouraged today, that what God does not deliver me from, he will deliver me through.

Praise the Lord!

Thanks Olivia 😊 🙏

Olivia T
Olivia T
Aug 21
Replying to

So true! So profound!

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