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Look For the Good (Part One)

Updated: 1 day ago

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” We have a daily choice to make. We can either let the proverbial “lemons” or difficulties of life make us sour and bitter, or we can use them to make our lives better. Here are two ways to benefit from your trials.

1.  Learn


A teachable attitude is one of the best attitudes a person can have. It says that they are

willing to be educated and better themself, and that they are not too proud or knowledgeable to be taught.

            Whenever we encounter difficulties, there is always something we can learn from it. Yet, many times we are too busy asking God to change our circumstances, the people around us, or ourselves to realize what it is He wants to teach us.

Slowing down and making the time and space for God to speak to us; studying His Word; and asking Him for discernment are all ways we can learn to listen to what God wants to show us.

God allowed that difficulty in your life for a reason. Only by being teachable and willing to learn will you see what that reason is.

2.  Grow

One thing I have seen in my life and in the lives of others is that God can use anything to make you grow.

The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the hardest times our generation has ever experienced, leading to a worldwide mental health crisis.

But in hindsight, I can honestly say that God used the years of isolation for my good. It allowed me to grow and mature in my faith in ways I don’t think would have happened had it not been for the time I spent alone. It hid me from many distractions that almost definitely would have hindered me from pursuing God with all of me.

It sounds weird to say, but I wouldn’t be the person or Christian I am today without one of the worst events in recent history.

In every trial we go through, let us keep in mind the fact that God can use that trial for our good. It can help us to help others going through the same thing and remind me of God’s goodness and faithfulness.

I love this quote: “God didn’t take the sword out of Goliath’s hand; He put the slingshot in David’s.”

Sometimes, instead of taking away our battles, God will instead equip us with what we need to fight those battles. He will strengthen and sustain us through that difficult season. And since every battle belongs to God, we can trust that through Him, we have the ultimate victory.

James 1:2,3 says, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (emphasis mine).

Choose to see every trial as an opportunity to grow and mature. It will completely revolutionize your outlook on life!

Final Thoughts

            Loved one, the Lord is always by your side. He will never leave you nor forsake you (see Hebrews 13:5). His grace is sufficient for you (see 2 Corinthians 12: 9,10). And though trials and difficulties will come, take heart, for our God has overcome the world (see John 16:33).

So, instead of complaining your way through trials and becoming bitter and unhappy, see every trial as an opportunity for you to learn what God wants to teach you and to grow through the difficulty.

Let’s do it together.



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See you next week!

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B Tracey
B Tracey
Aug 12

This is a timely reminder for me to be patient, steadfast and continue to trust in God in my trials and difficulties.

Praise the Lord!

Thank you Olivia

Olivia T
Olivia T
Aug 13
Replying to

So blessed to be able to provide such a great reminder! Praise the Lord, indeed!

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