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Three Ways to Praise God

Updated: 1 day ago

During the difficult times in our lives, sometimes the last thing we feel like doing is praising God. But praise is one of the most powerful tools we have to get through trials.

            It’s easy to praise God on the mountaintops when everything is going well, when we can look around and easily recognize His goodness and faithfulness. 

            But what about when it’s not that easy?

            When you're stuck in that season of waiting. When your plans and hopes fall apart. When someone you love is sick. When your future is uncertain.

            Do we raise our hands about our problems then?

            No matter what we go through, God is still worthy of our praise. He is still the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and He is still seated victoriously on the throne. Our praise to God should not be contingent upon how we feel or our circumstances. No matter what, He reigns above all else.

            But when those hard times come, we often feel too drained – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually – to position our hearts in loving adoration of our Saviour.

            However, praise and worship isn’t just relegated to Sunday mornings or even to music. Praise comes in many forms, many of which we do on a daily basis and don’t realize.

1.   Music

Music is probably the most obvious form of praise and worship and probably what comes to mind when you hear praise and worship. But it really is one of my favourite ways to worship. 

Whether I’m cleaning, doing homework, doing various hobbies, or in the car, I love to put on some worship music or upbeat praise songs. Even if I’m not quieting my surroundings and lifting my hands, I still love having lyrics that testify of Who God is floating around my mind. 

In Psalm 34:1, David writes, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth" (NKJV). I pray that we will live in such a way.

(Click here to check out the Christian playlists I made for you! They have many of my favourite praise and worship songs on them.)

2. Reflecting On What God Has Done

Your testimony, friend, is powerful, whether or not you think it is. I always used to think that mine was boring. But then I began to realize that my story can impact someone who really needs to hear it. I may not have been saved from drugs or addictions, but God can still use my story to draw others to Him.

Through simply telling others of what He did for me, however great or small, I can glorify God. I can choose to remember His faithfulness to me and my family, His many blessings, and His promises.

Psalm 9:1 says, "I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works" (NKJV).

This takes the focus off of ourselves or our problems and fixates our gaze on our loving God Who provides our every need.

3. “Whether You Eat or Drink or Whatsoever You Do…”

            In all that we do, we are called to glorify Christ and lift up His name. This can be done being honest with those around you, encouraging others, or choosing God’s ways above those of our flesh.

As Christians, we are supposed to be different. We aren’t supposed to talk or act like the rest of the world or have the same music and entertainment choices as everyone else.

          This means that we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We should encourage each other to do right instead of pressuring them to do what’s wrong.

This means those “innocent little white lies” have no place in our speech. It means we are to respect the authority God has placed over us rather than rebelling against them in a way that is unbiblical.

          1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (NKJV).

Through our actions, we are called to obey God and shine His light to everyone around us. To glorify Him. To let our very existence point to Him.

            To praise Him. 


Dear reader, praise is not only an essential part of being a Christian, but it is also a vital tool we can use against Satan’s attacks. Since God dwells in the praise of His people (see Psalm 22:3), whenever we invite His presence, Satan must flee.

By remembering God’s goodness, we can replace those thoughts of doubt and fear with the good things God has done. By living a life that points others to the heart of God and the finished work of Jesus Christ, we invite others to glorify and praise the worthy Lamb of God. 

Let’s praise Him together.





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B Tracey
B Tracey
Jul 24

May our life and all that we do bring praise and glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Thanks Olivia!


Jul 22

This was a great line, "We aren’t supposed to talk or act like the rest of the world or have the same music and entertainment choices as everyone else."

I feel we even as Christians look so much like the world, when in fact we should be totally different-in the very best way!

Thank you for this post, Olivia!


Jul 23
Replying to

Thank you, Summer! We should be different, thereby pointing others to Christ!

You're welcome!

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