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Lessons From Fixing Puzzles (Part 1)

Updated: 2 days ago

I love fixing puzzles. I’m not an expert, (and frankly, anything over 1,000 pieces scares me), but fixing a simple 500-piece puzzle or a 1,000-piece puzzle with my mom is something I enjoy.

            Yet sometimes my mind can be a little hard to quiet down, and my dramatic/storytelling side sometimes perks up when I sit down to work on a puzzle. Ironically, however, my loud and over-imaginative mind is just what God uses to teach me lessons.

            Here are a few of the lessons He’s shown me through fixing puzzles.


1. Celebrate the small victories

When working on a puzzle, the common approach to take is working on one specific area of the puzzle, whether it be a certain item in the picture or a common colour. Yet, sometimes I get a little carried away with focusing on the specific area I’m working on that I forget to look at the whole picture.

            Whether it’s in a puzzle or in life, celebrate the small victories. They’re oftentimes what paves the way for the big victories.

We can get so focused on working hard and going from one thing straight to the next that we neglect to slow down for a moment and appreciate the progress we’ve made.

Always look for opportunities to praise and thank God. Believe me; there are ample opportunities! A simple celebration of progress is a great thing to praise God for.

            It may be something as small as finishing an assignment. Though one assignment might seem small compared to an entire school year or four long years of high school, rejoice that God gave you the strength and knowledge to complete it. That’s worth a “Hallelujah!”

            It’s good to stay focused on your goals, but don’t neglect the occasional look back on how far you’ve come.

            What are some small victories you can celebrate?


2.  Surprises

There are times when I see a puzzle piece that looks like the exact fit for a space. But

when I try to put it in, I’m surprised to find that it doesn’t fit after all.

            In life, there are things or even people that we think are a great fit, only to later realize that they aren’t. Don’t worry! It’s just one piece out of the whole puzzle.

Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

God knows our every need and desire; He knows what the absence of that missing “piece” means to you and how you worry about it. But God’s timing is perfect; He will bring that perfect fit for you at the right time.

It will even be better than the other pieces you tried to fit into that space because the piece He has was designed to fit that exact space. All we have to do is trust God and wait on His timing. It will be worth it.


3.  Patience

Occasionally, there is that one piece of the puzzle that doesn’t look like it fits anywhere. We may try seemingly every option, but it appears to have no place -- as if the manufacturers made a mistake.

Friend, you may feel like you have no place or like you are a mistake. Don’t believe that lie for a second. You have been made on purpose and for a purpose by the Grand Designer. You belong. You are no less important than everyone else. Your Creator knows exactly how to position you in the place you were designed for.

If you trust Him, He will bring you to the perfect place He’s been preparing you for all along in His timing.

You may know all of this and maybe even believe it, but it doesn't always make it easier. Just hold on and cling to Jesus. Ask Him for the strength to believe what He says about you and to resist the enemy’s lies. In Him, you have a purpose and a place (see Jeremiah 29:11). Trust that He will work everything together for your good in His perfect timing (Romans 8:28).



Who would’ve thought that fixing puzzles could have such applicable lessons? From them, we can learn to celebrate the small victories, how to navigate surprises life throws at us, and how to be patient and trust God.

Let’s do it together.



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B Tracey
B Tracey
2 days ago

What a wonderful article! One of my favorites. PTL!

Thanks Olivia.

Olivia T
Olivia T
2 days ago

Yay! I'm glad you liked it! Praise the Lord indeed!

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