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Introductory Post

Updated: 1 day ago

Welcome to The Remnant! I am so excited you’re here! There have been months of hard work and prayer that have gone into this blog just to get it started, so I am thrilled to finally launch The Remnant!

If you don’t know who I am, here are a few facts about me:


  • My name is Olivia Tracey, and I am a 16-year-old homseschooled student from Toronto, Canada

  • I have grown up in a Christian home, but I really only started pursuing a true relationship with God when I was 12

  • I am an aspiring writer who writes fiction (my favourite genres are historical fiction and middle grade fiction) and Christian non-fiction; I have had Christian non-fiction articles published before by the amazing teen site, The Rebelution (You can see my articles here.)

  • A few random things I love are sports, crafting, music, reading, high-quality stationery and pens, history, spending time with family and friends, and watching old movies

  • Am I perfect? Do I have all the answers to life? Does having a Christian devotional blog make me a better Christian? Emphatically, NO. But through God’s grace, I hope to share with you what God has taught me over the years. My prayer is that this blog will always glorify God and help you, the reader, grow closer to the Lord.

Why “The Remnant”?


               A couple of years ago, I was getting tired of feeling like I would be the only one standing uncompromised for God. I would see other Christians doing things that God said not to do as well as disregard for biblical truth in the Church.

            I would look around me and see wickedness, compromising, and distortion of the truth seemingly everywhere, both in and out of the Church.

            One day, as I was reading a passage of Scripture, God led me to Romans 11:2-5. These verses were about Paul reminding the Roman church of when Elijah the prophet was discouraged by the vast number of people who had turned their backs on God and worshipped the false god, Baal (see 1 Kings 19).


“... Or do you not know what the Scripture says of Elijah, how he pleads 

with God against Israel, saying, ‘Lord, they have killed Your prophet and 

torn down Your altars, and I alone am left, and they seek my life’? But

what does the divine response say to him? ‘I have reserved for Myself 7,000

Men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.’ Even so then, at this present time

there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (NKJV, emphasis added).


            I felt God reassure me through this passage that He still had a remnant of people who had not bowed their knees to the culture of our day. Who stood uncompromised for God and His Word and against the things of this world. Who choose daily to seek Him above all else and live a life devoted to Him. Who glorified and praised His name in all that they do.

            Since then, God has continued to reveal and introduce me to Christians, young and old, who are doing just that.

            I believe my generation, more than ever, is hungry for peace, purpose, joy, hope, and the truth. And we as Christians have just that. We just need to share it with them.

            However, I must warn you before we begin. Though the truth is oftentimes uncomfortable, I will share it. Though the truth will be convicting and perhaps daunting, it is necessary. But by the grace of God, I will share this truth, because the truth is Jesus Christ.

            So, if you are tired of complacency in your walk with God… if you are ready to be challenged and to grow in your relationship with God… if you are willing to follow God’s calling on your life…

Join me as we grow together. Through the power and love of our Lord, we can be His remnant.

            Let’s do it together.


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