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8 Study Tips for the New School Year

For many of us, a new school year is right around the corner. As I head into my final year of high school (totally not panicking at all here…), I’ve discovered some handy study tips that have helped me over the years.

Whether it’s middle school, high school, post-secondary, or any other type of studies that you’re heading into, here are eight quick study tips to help you in this new year.


1.  Writing Out Notes

I know this one can be difficult, especially if you have a lot of notes to take. But I’ve noticed how much better I remember things if I write them down by hand rather than typing or dictating them.

Research proves that handwriting your notes gives you a better chance of remembering them. Plus, it gives you a chance to improve your handwriting, if necessary!


2.  Study Notes the Same Day

Studying your notes the same day that you write them is a proven method to help you remember your notes better, especially if you’ve handwritten them. I have seen a huge difference between studying my notes the same day I write them as opposed to any other day.


3.  Break Up Your Study Time

Yes, I’m talking to the last-minute/night-before-a-test crammers here.

Find an amount of time for studying and breaks that works for you, whether it’s working for 30 minutes, then breaking for 10; working for 20 minutes, breaking for 5; working for 10, breaking for 3; etc.

Taking breaks and letting your brain rest (this means not watching TV, not reading, not thinking hard, etc.) will help you remember what you just studied and prepare your brain to receive more information.

4.  Stay Hydrated and Well-Nourished

Hydration is always important! Keep a water bottle on your desk or within reach to remind you to drink your liquids. (Sorry, guys. Caffeine is a dehydrant. Not a wise choice to always have around.)

Also, there are plenty of healthy (and delicious) snack to satisfy your munchies instead of junk food. (But perhaps keep a little of the junk food as a reward for finishing homework or studying?)

Berries, yogurt, fruits, granola, dark chocolate – these are a few “brain food” options.


5.  Don’t Procrastinate!

Okay, I'm saying this mostly to myself… 😉 I’m a huge procrastinator!

Once you start that task or assignment, it won’t be as bad as you think it will be. Once you’re on a roll, keep going! Just don’t wear yourself out. 😉

Again, breaking up your study or homework time with short breaks is very beneficial.

I love this quote from author Pearl S. Buck: “I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.” This is my goal for this school year!

6.  Create a Routine


Creating a routine will help your mind “know it has got to get down to work.” If sticking to a specific time of the day is too difficult, try creating a familiar setting or pre-homework routine, such as clearing your desk, preparing your snacks, or putting on some background study music.

The more you stick to a routine, the more your mind will know it’s time “to get down to work.”

7.  Classical/Instrumental/Lo-fi Music

I know not everyone is into classical music, but this is only one genre of music to study to. It is important, however, that the music you listen to has no lyrics. This will be a distraction. (And if you’re like me, it may also lead to karaoke instead of what you’re supposed to be doing. ;)

It is scientifically proven that listening to classical music can calm you down, as well as aid in focus and concentration. Nevertheless, instrumentals, jazz, lo-fi, or movie soundtracks (which are all types of music that I love :) are great for study music.


8.  Pray

Lastly, we are not doing this on our own. God is always with you, giving you strength. Ask Him to help you with every task this school year as you strive to do your best. Pray for discipline, self-control, and wisdom, since He gives freely to all who ask for wisdom (James 1:5).



Friends, no matter what you face this year, let God receive all the glory. Strive to go above and beyond in all you can.

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (NKJV).

First Peter 5:7 says to cast all your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you.

Second Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (NKJV).

Always remember that, as my favourite verse says, God’s grace is sufficient for you (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Let’s do our best this year together.



Know anyone heading back to the classroom this fall? Send them this article!

If you've found any of these tips helpful or have any others that you use while studying, let me know in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you!

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